Yellow Hairy Caterpillar With Black Spikes. Other common black caterpillars have vibrant orange or yellow markings. Other yellow caterpillars have yellow and black markings making them look like types of striped caterpillars.
At an early stage of development this caterpillar is a bright yellow color but as it ages it becomes paler and finally turns white. These yellow hairy caterpillars love to munch their way through leaves on walnut cherry crab apple and other deciduous trees. Even though some black caterpillars may look unsightly and unappealing they turn into beautiful butterflies or moths.
We are more used to the type that is green and a lot less hairy so when people come across this bright creature they are often surprised.
For example the monarch caterpillar is black with white and yellow tiger like stripes. For example the monarch caterpillar is black with white and yellow tiger like stripes. Interestingly from all the different species of caterpillars most yellow caterpillars have spikes or hairs making them look furry. Some species of caterpillars are black and fuzzy with hair like spines.